With Below Script you can easily create slideshow with images using Javascript Code.
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<html> <head> <title>Untitled Document</title> </head> <body> <p align="center"><img name="myPicture" src="img1.gif" width="100" height="57"> <script language="JavaScript"> <!-- //Slide Show script (this notice must stay intact) //For this and more scripts //visit java-scripts.net or http://wsabstract.com var myPix = new Array("img1.gif","img2.gif","img3.gif") var thisPic = 0 function doPrevious() { if (document.images && thisPic > 0) { thisPic-- document.myPicture.src=myPix[thisPic] } } function doNext() { if (document.images && thisPic < 2) { thisPic++ document.myPicture.src=myPix[thisPic] } } // --> </script> <br> <small> <font face="Verdana"> <a href="javascript:doPrevious()">Previous</a> <font color="#000000">-</font> <a href="javascript:doNext()">Next</a> </font> </small> </body> </html>
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