Solved: Uncaught exception 'oxAdoDbException' with message 'mysql: EXECUTE error: [1146: Table' adodb_logsql 'does not exist] in OXID eSHOP

Sometimes when you import OXID eSHOP Database and run the same source code on another server, it will not work properly and will give above error.

it will display above error message because the view tables not worked properly.

With below steps, you can solve this:

    1. Insert below code in file located at the root with your relevant stores.

    PHP Code:


    * View-Tabellen nicht benutzen 


    $this->blSkipViewUsage = true;  

    This is necessary so that the shop admin can still be called after importing the database backup file - otherwise the imported view tables make problems.

    2. In the database, delete all imported view tables (oxv_oxarticles, oxv_oxactions ...) - there are over 60 tables.

    3. In the shop admin under "Service / Tools" "VIEWS update now" - maybe this has to be done several times.

    4. empty the tmp directory.

    5. Now the shop should operate normally - if not, repeat step 4.

    6. now remove the inserted lines from or set it value to "false".

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