Suppose you have array with value of 1 to 12.
And you want to separate odd and even numbers in different array, then use below code.
If you want to use array_filter with a class method as the callback, you can use a psuedo type callback like below, which will print only even numbers from 1 to 10 array.
And one another example of array_filter within a class to access a protected method from that same class:
And you want to separate odd and even numbers in different array, then use below code.
<?php function odd($var) { // returns whether the input integer is odd return($var & 1); } function even($var) { // returns whether the input integer is even return(!($var & 1)); } $array1 = array("a"=>1, "b"=>2, "c"=>3, "d"=>4, "e"=>5); $array2 = array(6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12); echo "Odd :\n"; echo "<pre>"; print_r(array_filter($array1, "odd")); echo "</pre>"; echo "Even:\n"; echo "<pre>"; print_r(array_filter($array2, "even")); echo "</pre>"; ?> Output: Odd : Array ( [a] => 1 [c] => 3 [e] => 5 ) Even: Array ( [0] => 0 [1] => 6 [3] => 8 [5] => 10 [7] => 12 )
If you want to use array_filter with a class method as the callback, you can use a psuedo type callback like below, which will print only even numbers from 1 to 10 array.
<?php class Test { public function doFilter($array) { return array_filter($array, array($this, 'callbackMethodName')); } protected function callbackMethodName($element) { return $element % 2 === 0; } } $example = new Test; echo "<pre>"; print_r($example->doFilter(range(1, 10))); echo "</pre>";?> Output: Array ( [1] => 2 [3] => 4 [5] => 6 [7] => 8 [9] => 10 )
And one another example of array_filter within a class to access a protected method from that same class:
<?php class Bar { public function foo() { $array1 = array("a"=>1, "b"=>2, "c"=>3, "d"=>4, "e"=>5); print_r(array_filter($array1, array($this, 'baz'))); } protected function baz($var) { return($var & 1); } } $bar = new Bar(); echo "<pre>"; print_r($bar->foo()); echo "</pre>"; ?> Output: Array ( [a] => 1 [c] => 3 [e] => 5 )