What is the difference between crdate and tstamp in TYPO3 database tables ?

Sometimes in many TYPO3 Extension you will find "crdate" and "tstamp" columns.

Today i will tell you, what is the difference between crdate and tstamp in TYPO3 database tables:

crdate = Holds a record's creation date and time as Unix time stamp value.
tstamp = Holds a record's last modification date and time as Unix time stamp value.

if you want to get your date in date format for particular record with MySQL query then use below code:
SELECT FROM_UNIXTIME(crdate) AS creation_date FROM tx_table_name WHERE uid = 3
or Even more better
SELECT FROM_UNIXTIME(crdate,’%Y %D %M %h:%i:%s %x’) AS creation_date FROM tx_table_name WHERE uid = 3

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